This is a collage of the view I have from my usual work spot. Not bad, right? I have to admit that over the years I’ve become a bit blasé about what I see. Just like everything else you see day in and day out it becomes the norm. Something you don’t notice anymore.
So I started a little experiment. I’ve been taking a look at random times of the day, usually while I’m writing and am taking a moment to pause and put things together in my head. What I’ve been seeing has made me smile. Even on the days where the sun isn’t out. Sometimes the clouds and the sun make a stunning scene. Other times the fog encircles the spire in a mysterious shroud. Once in a while I’m even gifted with a rainbow or two.
It got me thinking about how the same goes for writing. What happens when you stare at the same file for weeks, sometimes months, on end? You miss the little things. I find what works for me is to step back after I’m done, jump into something else for a little while and then come back to look at the manuscript with fresh eyes. There’s no telling what I might notice that I hadn’t before.
And so far, it’s been a great strategy.