This is a collage of the view I have from my usual work spot. Not bad, right? I have to admit that over the years I’ve become a bit blasé about what I see. Just like everything else you see day in and day out it becomes the norm. Something you don’t notice anymore. So…
Tag: myphotos
Cold and Grey
So, we’ve reached that time of year again when the branches are bare, the vibrant colours have faded and everything seems a little duller. A little greyer. Not exactly inspiring stuff (unless you want yourself in a bleak mind set, in which case, woo!). But it is the perfect time to sit by the fire…
How Much Planning?
I might be a pantser when it comes to writing, but I do plan like crazy for the background stuff. World building. Character backgrounds. Motivations. I have stacks of note books (and OneNote notebooks, Keep files, Evernote…you get the idea) filled with ideas, plans, sketches, etc spanning a decade at least. I write everything down…
Photo Friday -Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! I was searching for a creepy picture of Nox to post but couldn’t find any, so I figured a black cat is better than none 🙂 In good spirits today (see what I did there?) Prepping for my daughter’s party tonight is done and I can finally see the end of book three…
Photo Friday – Foggy Morning
Since my last post about the story coming together, I’ve overhauled it yet again. Literally tearing it apart and putting it back together in a new sequence of scenes that I hope (fingers crossed) will finally work for me and my characters. I can’t remember a time I’ve had so much trouble with a story….